Finding Correlation in movies data using Python
Demand and Supply Analysis
Instagram Reach Analysis
Twitter Sentimental Analysis
Tribute Page
Academics Score Table in HTML
Chessboard UI with 5 by 5 Design
Sales Data
from Company
Analyzed with Python
Web Scraping Project from
different website
Modeling Project with
Cloud Project_1
with Terraform
Creation of Autonomous Database and Storage-Bucket
Cloud Project_2
Creation of Docker container, creation of database in OCI and then execution
Analyzed by MySQL
In this project, I used MySQL to perform the task. I created a database call sql_store, sql_hr,
sql_inventory, and sql_invoicing.
Also, create tables from the data supplied then answer
the questions.
Analyzed by Microsoft SQL
In this project, company data was analysed and some business questions were answered by writing the SQL query.
Pandas Project with
iris flower
In this project I used Pandas to analysis iris dataset.
Python Project with
List Data Type
In this project I used Python to read in a large dataset as a list of lists and for loops to analyze a large dataset
Seaborn Sales Project
In this project I used Seaborn to visualize sales data by mean of scatter and line plots
NumPy, Pandas and Seaborn pair and joint functions on Sales data
In this project I used Seaborn pair and joint plot functions with NumPy to analyze the sales data
with PostgreSQL
In this project, I answered some interesting questions related to the users in each table column.
Express, Node.js, HTML, JavaScript
to create CRUD Application
In this project simple CRUD application was created.
of Tables
From ER Diagram
From the ER diagram, tables were created for further assessment.
Data Analysis
with PostgreSQL
Covid 19 data was analyzed, and the source is from
basic to advance
In this project I used Pandas for the analysis
Azure Machine Learning
Image of work done with azure machine learning; the result will not be shown for private purposes.
analysis with Seaborn with Sales data
Explore further capability of Seaborn by plotting multiple chart, swarm, box, violin, bar and point plots.